Document Management (My Docs)

Purpose: Use the Document Management screen to work with reports generated by Order Management System.

How are reports different from forms? Reports are listings that present summary or detail information for use by staff, while forms include specific information for a single customer, vendor, or order, and are available for distribution to the customer or vendor. For example, the Pick Unit report lists total single-line and multi-line picks generated, while each generated pick slip form includes the customer’s name and address and details about the order that is shipping with the pick.

PDF files: Each report is generated as a PDF (portable document format) file, typically opened through the Adobe Reader or within a separate browser window. Certain reports are also available in spreadsheet format, so you can work with them in a spreadsheet application.

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher report settings: Order Management System uses an integration with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher to generate certain forms and reports. See Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher) Forms and Reports Settings for more information on the required setup.

In this chapter:

Document Management Screen

Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format

Reports Troubleshooting

Document Management Screen

How to display this screen:

• Click the My Docs icon ( in the upper right area of a screen), or select My Docs from an Admin screen (such as the About Application, Forms Management Screen, Job Management Screen, Commands, User Control, or System Messages screens). When you advance to the screen this way, it displays all reports generated through your user ID through any submitted job. See the fields below for information on how to filter the reports listed on this screen.

• Click the report icon () for a submitted job at the Job Management Screen (My Jobs) to display the reports generated for that particular job only.

Report Listings and Display Options

Default settings for reports available for review: When you first advance to this screen, the most recent reports submitted by your user ID are currently available for review by scrolling up or down with the right-hand scroll bar. The reports are listed in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest).

Available reports updated when you filter: When you enter or select any search criteria and then click Filter, the screen displays reports that match these criteria. A message displays if the search results are greater than 200 records: The maximum number of records was exceeded. Please refine search criteria. Showing records 1-200. Enter additional search criteria to refine your search results.

Example: The screen currently includes the most recent reports available for review in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest): 20 of these reports are in the QPRINT queue, and 5 are in the DOCUMENTS queue. When you select QPRINT from the Queue field and click Filter, the screen displays only the most recent reports in the QPRINT queue.

Available reports restricted by Rank and All job authority:

• If the All job authority option is selected for your user control record, you can review all jobs, regardless of ranking.

• If the All job authority option is not selected for your user control record, you can review forms generated by other users only if their user control Rank does not exceed yours.


User MSMITH has a Rank of 9, with All job authority selected.

User TBROWN has a Rank of 9, with All job authority unselected.

User JJONES has a Rank of 1, with All job authority selected.


• MSMITH can review reports generated by TBROWN because their Rank is the same; however, MSMITH cannot review reports generated by JJONES, because a Rank of 1 exceeds a Rank of 9.

• TBROWN cannot review reports generated by any other users, because he does not have All job authority.

• JJONES can review reports generated by all other users based on his Rank and All job authority.

Note: Different rules control the authority to view forms and reports than the rules that affect the Job Management Screen. The user’s Rank does not affect authority to view jobs.

Column sort: You can sort on any column by clicking the column heading name. When you first click, the sort is in ascending alphanumeric (A-Z) or numeric (lowest to highest) order. Click again to change the sort to descending (Z-A) or numeric (highest to lowest) order.




The program that generated the report. Click the document icon to open the report in a separate window. From this window, you can review and optionally print the report, using the standard Windows print options for your PC.


• The PDF icon () indicates that the report is available in PDF format. Click the icon to open the report in a portable document format application.

• The spreadsheet icon () indicates that the report is available in spreadsheet format. Click the icon to open the report in a spreadsheet application. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.

• The glasses icon () indicates that the report has already been reviewed in a prior session, by you or another user. If your user ID is assiged a Rank of 1, you can click on this icon to display a log indicating who viewed the report: Viewed By: TBROWN on 05/29/2014 10:57:30

• If you already have a separate browser window open to review another report or a form, the system does not open an additional window; instead, the previous form or report is replaced with the recently-selected report.

• If you click on a document that has not yet finished generating, the system displays an unexpected error window. When you close this window, the system displays an Are you sure you want to leave this page window; select leave page to return to the Document Managment screen.

Filter options:

to display reports by document name: enter a full or partial document name and click OK.

to display reports regardless of document name: if you have previously entered a full or partial document name, clear the entry and click OK.

Job name

The job that generated the report.

Filter options:

to display reports by job name: enter a full or partial job name and click OK.

to display reports regardless of job name: if you have previously entered a full or partial job name, clear the entry and click OK.

Output queue

The output queue where the report is saved. The default output queue is QPRINT for some reports and DOCUMENTS for others. See Reports Troubleshooting for more information.

Filter options:

to display reports for a single output queue: select the output queue from the drop-down list and click OK to display reports in that queue.

to display reports regardless of output queue: if you have previously selected an output queue, clear the selection and click OK.

Pages/File Size

The size of the report file in kilobytes; for example: 10 KB.

Any reports generated using a tool other than Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher display the report’s length in pages; for example: 10 Page(s).

Note: If you advance to the Document Management screen before the job has finished generating the report, the value indicated here might not be correct until the job completes.


The date and time when the report was generated in MM/DD/YY-HH:MM:SS.

Filter options:

to display reports generated on or after a specific date: click the calendar icon (), select a date, and then click OK.

to display reports generated on the current date: click the calendar icon, select Today from the bottom of the calendar, and click OK.

to display reports regardless of the date generated: if you have previously selected a date, clear the date and click OK.

User name

The user ID of the person who generated the report. Your user ID defaults.

When you use the CWProcessIn message to start a periodic process, the forms are listed under your default user; see Using the CWProcessIn Message to Start a Periodic Process for background.

Filter options:

to display reports generated by another user: enter a complete, valid user ID and click OK.

to display reports regardless of the user who generated them: clear the current entry in this field and click OK.


The only status currently implemented is READY (the report is ready for review).


A system-assigned identification number to track the job generating the report.

Filter options:

to display reports for a particular job number: enter a valid job number and click OK.

to display reports regardless of job number: if you have previously entered a job number, clear the entry and click OK.

Document Management Screen Options



Review, and optionally print, a generated report

Click the document icon to open the report in a separate window. From this window, you can print the report using the printers currently available to your local PC.

Note: The system keeps a single additional window open for you to review a report or a form. If you already had a report or form open in the additional window, the system replaces the document previously displayed with the report you have just selected. Reopen the additional window to review the recently selected report.

Change which reports are displayed on the screen

Restrict or expand the list of displayed reports based on one of the available column headings

See the Report Listings and Display Options for information on how to filter the reports displayed based on various criteria.

Refresh data listed on the screen

Click Refresh. Newly generated reports are added to the screen in READY status as they are generated.

Sort by column

Click the column heading name. When you first click, the sort is in ascending alphanumeric (A-Z) or numeric (lowest to highest) order. Click again to change the sort to descending (Z-A) or numeric (highest to lowest) order.

Delete an individual report

Select the checkbox to the left of a report and click Delete.

Display additional information about a report or advance to a different screen

If you advance to a different screen and then return, your filter entries are not retained. For example, if you are currently filtering on a specific queue, and you advance to the Job Management (My Jobs) screen and return, the Queue column no longer filters on that queue.

Display information about Order Management System

Select About.

Advance to the Forms Management Screen screen

Select My Forms.

Advance to the Job Management Screen

Select My Jobs.

Advance to the Advanced Commands screen, where you can advance to working with user control records if you have sufficient authority

Select Advanced Commands.

This option is available ony for users that have authority to the Advanced Commands option.

Return to the previous screen

Select Exit.

Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format

Purpose: Certain reports are available as spreadsheet files, which you can easily open in a spreadsheet application and then work with the data to suit your business requirements. Reports available in spreadsheet format are:


Fast Path

Item Purchase and Sales Aging Report


Item Stock Status Report

Note: Only the sort by Category $ Sold Ascending and by Item $ Sold Ascending are available in spreadsheet format, but you can use your spreadsheet application to sort the data as needed.


Item Sales Analysis Report

Note: Only the sort by Item Warehouse is available in spreadsheet format, but you can use your spreadsheet application to sort the data as needed.


Refund Due List:

Refund Due List by Type

Refund Due List by Order #


Backorder Report by Descending Dollars by Division/Warehouse

Note: This is the only version of the backorder report by descending dollars that is available in spreadsheet format, but since the data is the same in other versions, you can use your spreadsheet application to sort the data as needed.


Backorder Report by Item with SKU Details


Backorder Report by Warehouse


Backorder Report by Warehouse with SKU Details


Backorder Report by Vendor with SKU Details


Backorder Report by Vendor/SKU/PO


Deposit History Detail Report


Deposit History Summary Report


Sales Journal by Division


Standard Sales Journal


Order Type Summary by Delivery Type Report


Exchange Reason Report


Return Reason Report


PO Expected Delivery Report

The spreadsheet format is available regardless of whether you select the Print SKU detail option when you generate the report.


Held Order by Reason Code Report


Inventory Transaction History Report


Operations Control Report


On Hand by Warehouse Report

Note: If there is a page break in the printed report within the items listed for a single warehouse, the warehouse column headings (warehouse code and description) are included as an additional row in the spreadsheet file.

On Hand by Vendor by Warehouse Report

Note: If there is a page break in the printed report within the items listed for a single warehouse and vendor, the warehouse and vendor column headings (warehouse code and description and vendor code) are included as additional rows in the spreadsheet file.


Promotion Analysis Report


Open Prepaid Order List


Order Type Summary Report


Product Performance Report (Ordered Totals)

Note: Only the sort by ascending items or by descending total dollars are available in spreadsheet format, but you can use your spreadsheet application to sort the data as needed.


Product Performance Report (Shipped Totals)

Note: Only the sort by ascending items or by descending total dollars are available in spreadsheet format, but you can use your spreadsheet application to sort the data as needed.


Processed Refund Register


Price Override Reason Report


Sales Journal Summary by Period

Sales Journal Summary by Invoice Date

Sales Journal Summary by Entity/Offer


Sales Journal by Pay Type


Source Shipped Report


State Tax Detail Report


State Tax Report


User Authority Change Report


Password Change Report


Unconfirmed Deposits Listing Report


Auto Deposit Confirmation Report

Cart/Bin Batch Picking Pullsheet


Picking Pullsheet

Batch Pull Sheet Item Summary Report

Sales Journal Summary by Order Type

N/A (generated through SLSSMOT periodic function)

Opening the file as a spreadsheet: The spreadsheet icon () next to the report indicates that the report is available in spreadsheet format (such as the FLR0393 report in the image below):

Click the spreadsheet icon to work with the report in your default spreadsheet application. A window opens asking if you would like to open or save the selected file.

Things to note:

Formatting: When you initially open the report in your spreadsheet application, the data might not be formatted to your preferences. For example, certain columns might appear too narrow to display their full contents. Also, alphanumeric fields that can also include numeric values (for example, the item code) might be in cells that are formatted as numeric data. In this situation, changing the cell properties to text can correct the alignment.

Decimal and Thousand Separators: Your spreadsheet application may override any decimal and thousand separator settings for numbers with its own number separators. Change the settings in the spreadsheet application to the separators you wish to use.

Totals: For the most part, totals and subtotals that appear on the PDF version of the report are not included in the spreadsheet file. You can use your spreadsheet application to insert rows for totals or subtotals and perform any required calculations.

Blank columns and rows: Columns and rows that can include data are included in the spreadsheet file, even if there is no relevant information for the column or row in your report results. For example, when a report includes a separate column to flag order lines that have VAT charges, this column is blank in your spreadsheet file if you do not charge VAT in your company.

Negative amounts: For negative amounts and quantities, the minus sign is on the left side in the spreadsheet file (rather than the right side, as it appears in the PDF version) so that your spreadsheet application can correctly render the negative values and include them in calculations.

Page breaks and column headings: Page breaks in the PDF version of the report are not represented in the spreadsheet file as repeated column headings unless they also introduce a new grouping of data. For example, the sales journals are each broken out into separate groupings, such as by invoice date and pay type, so in these reports the column headings repeat for each grouping in the spreadsheet file.

Automatic backup of spreadsheet files: If you leave a spreadsheet file open for a period without saving it, your spreadsheet application may display an error message. This error occurs because the spreadsheet application attempts to back up working files periodically, and the spreadsheet file name includes invalid characters. To avoid seeing this error message, save the spreadsheet file using a logical, valid file name soon after opening it.

Deletion of spreadsheet files: When you remove the report at the Document Management screen, the system deletes the selected spreadsheet file only; when you remove the job at the Job Management screen, the system deletes both the PDF file and the spreadsheet file.

Reports Not Currently Implemented

Order Management System uses an integration with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher to generate certain forms and reports. As part of the transition to Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, if a report has not yet been converted to Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, instead of generating the report the system will generate a generic document with the following information, where REPORT is the name of the generated report:

The requested document is not currently implemented: REPORT

The following reports are not currently implemented at this time.


Fast Path or Function

CPG Item/SKU Exclusions Upload Error Records Report

CPGIXUP periodic function

Pack Slip


Order Summary


Price Code Upload Errors Report

PCUPLD periodic function

Promotion Upload Error Records Report

WPRO or PRMOUPL periodic function

Purged Order List

PURGEOR periodic function

Quote Form


Store Update Errors Report

STRUPLD periodic function

Reset Audit Log for Quantity Printed


Reset Audit Log for Quantity Reserved


Reset Audit Log for Quantity on Backorder


Reset Audit Log for Quantity On Hand


Reset Audit Log for SKU Quantities


Sales Rep Update Errors Report

SLSUPLD periodic function

Unmatched Email Status Report

EMAILUD periodic function

Reports Troubleshooting

Some possible troubleshooting questions and answers are:


Possible Answer(s)

How is the system determining the date format for dates that display on reports?

Reports and forms generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher display the date in the date format defined in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher for the locale in the Company table. Since the only locale supported is English, the date format for reports generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher is always MM/DD/YY.

Reports and forms that are not generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, display the date in the date format defined for the company.

Note: Reports that are not associated with a company display the date in the date format defined for the DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT property.

How is the system determining the decimal and thousand separator for numbers that display on reports?

Reports and forms generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher use the number format defined in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher for the locale in the Company table. Since the only locale supported is English, the decimal separator is always a period (.) and the thousand separator is always a comma (,).

Reports and forms that are not generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher display numbers using the characters defined in the DECIMAL_SEPARATOR and THOUSAND_SEPARATOR properties.

Are reports automatically deleted?

Reports older than the JOB_RETENTION_DAYS property in Working with Customer Properties (PROP) are deleted, along with the related jobs, when you restart Order Management System.

Why are the outer portions of the page cut off when I print a report?

Make sure that the Page scaling option in the Print dialog box is set to Fit to printer margins or Shrink to fit when printing a form to prevent information on the edge of the page from being cut off.

Why doesn’t a new window open when I click the name of a report at the Document Management Screen?

The system keeps a single additional window open for you to review a form or a report. If you already had a form or report open in the additional window, the system replaces the document previously displayed with the report you have just selected. Reopen the additional window to review the recently selected report.

I removed a job at the Job Management Screen and now I cannot find the report. Why?

Deleting a job automatically deletes the reports generated through that job.

Why wasn’t a job deleted when I removed all of its generated reports at the Document Management Screen?

Deleting all generated reports for a job does not automatically delete the job. Use the Job Management Screen (My Jobs) to delete the job.

How can I find out about the data on a report?

Use the Reports listing to find a link to a description of the report and a report sample.

Why is there a single line of detail information on page two of a report, and then the third page of the report is labelled “Page 2"?

Contact your Order Management System representative if this issue occurs on one of your generated reports.

Why does the Document Management Screen indicate that a report is 1 page long, while the report is actually longer?

If you advance to the Document Management Screen while the report is still being generated, the number of pages indicated at the screen might be incorrect until the job completes.

Document Management OROMS 17.0 2018 OTN